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DC Restricted License Lawyer

If you are convicted of a traffic offense or DUI, in certain cases you may be eligible for a restricted license which allows you to drive with some degree of restrictions. Typically this may mean you can only drive to certain places such as school or work, or that you may only be able to drive during certain hours of the day. With this said, there are a number of steps you must take in order to be eligible for a restricted license including a request to the DMV and often a letter from your employer. To ensure that you take these necessary steps and get your license fully reinstated as soon as possible consult with a DC restricted license lawyer today.

An experienced traffic lawyer in DC will be able to provide you with guidance on the legal process for obtaining a restricted license and ensure that you are aware of what the restrictions are. To discuss your situation and the steps you should take, call and schedule a consultation today.

Obtener una licencia restringida

To get a restricted license, the first thing you or your DC restricted license attorney must do is submit a request to the DMV once an individual’s license has been suspended or revoked. You must also submit a letter from their employer on the company’s letterhead or stationary that is addressed to Adjudication Services, which states that you need a license to maintain your livelihood.

Also included in someone’s request should be the days and hours that they work and their work address. Additionally, if a person is requesting to operate a company vehicle, they should include the make and model of the vehicle. Finally, if a person is requesting for the ability to operate a vehicle to travel to and from work, they should specify the travel hours.

Restricted License Requirements

An individual must be a resident of DC and have a DC license in order for them or their restricted license lawyer in DC to request a temporary restricted license. An individual may submit the request with all of the necessary documents in person or by mail. Afterwards, they will be notified in writing by a hearing examiner of the decision. If approved, an individual must pay a reinstatement fee, which is $98.00, and a license renewal fee, $44.00, or license duplicate fee of $7.00.

License Reinstatement Process

Once someone’s suspension or revocation period has been completed, they will be able to go through the license reinstatement process. This process includes the payment of the $98.00 reinstatement fee, as well as the passing of both the knowledge and road test.

If someone is operating a vehicle outside of the approved hours or to unapproved locations, they are considered to be operating after suspension or revocation of a license and may be arrested and/or fined up to $1,000.00. As a result it is important those operating on a restricted license understand their restrictions and contact a DC restricted license lawyer for help.

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