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DC Campus Sexual Assault and Rape Lawyer

A sexual assault or rape allegation can lead to severe consequences and long-term repercussions. If you have been accused of such an offense, you should seek the services of a dedicated student defense attorney. A DC campus sexual assault and rape lawyer could advocate for you and stand by your side throughout the process. Call today and set up a consultation.

Schools Aggressively Pursue Sexual Assault and Rape Allegations

Colleges and universities aggressively pursue allegations of sexual assault because it is mandated in federal law under Title IX. Also, schools aggressively pursue these allegations due to a concern for students who make the allegations and because they are trying to avoid civil liability. Schools do not want to have students who have committed violent sexual offenses on their campus. Therefore, they take allegations of sexual assault and rape seriously.

Sexual Assault and Rape Consequences

Some of the consequences of being found responsible for the commission of a sexual offense on campus differ. For someone who has been found responsible for the first time on a campus for something like a possessory alcohol issue or a possession of marijuana issue, those typically yield lighter potential sanctions than someone who has been found responsible for some assaultive conduct. Sexual assault and rape offenses have potential consequences of suspension and expulsion. If someone is found responsible for such conduct, it is expected that the potential sanctions would be serious. A student charged with these allegations could be removed from school and also face criminal charges. A criminal conviction could lead to years of jail time. Therefore, it is crucial for an accused student to contact a campus sexual assault and rape lawyer in DC right away.

How a Lawyer Could Help a Student Facing Allegations

A seasoned defense lawyer could help students facing sexual assault and rape charges on campus and in the criminal justice system in a variety of ways. A primary goal when representing someone accused of some sexual misconduct on campus is to prevent the case from being charged criminally in DC  Superior Court. With that as a goal when representing a student, they have to also be cognitive and protect the student from the potential pitfall that could arise if they are charged criminally. That usually involves making sure that the student does not make a statement in the school disciplinary setting that could be used against them later in a potential criminal prosecution.

One of the main keys is for the lawyer to act as a buffer for the student between the student and the school disciplinary system and between the student and the criminal justice system. There is also a significant amount of work that could be done by the attorney to help the student get the best possible result in the school disciplinary setting in addition to helping to prepare a case should it end up becoming a criminal matter.

Contact a DC Campus Sexual Assault and Rape Attorney

If you are a student facing allegations of sexual assault or rape, you should call an accomplished attorney immediately. A DC campus sexual assault and rape lawyer could fight for you and possibly help you reach a favorable outcome to your case. Call today.

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DC Campus Sexual Assault and Rape Lawyer
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