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DC White-Collar Crimes Lawyer

For those charged with criminal offenses pertaining to commercial or financial enterprises, a DC white-collar crime lawyer has the specific knowledge to successfully handle your defense. Unlike violent crimes or sexual offenses, white-collar crimes may seem harmless or victimless to those committing them.

In some cases, a person may not even be aware that their actions are criminal. In other cases, someone accused of a white-collar crime may have been acting under the direction of their superiors. Whether you got caught up in something that escalated beyond your control or whether you are falsely accused of corporate wrongdoing, get the best possible defense by hiring a qualified attorney who practices in this area of the law.

What are White-Collar Offenses?

White-collar crimes are those that pertain to business or commercial dealings and are usually alleged to have been perpetrated for an individual’s financial gain. Crimes such as fraud, embezzlement, and tax evasion are frequently prosecuted in federal court, especially when they allegedly victimize the United States government, such as in cases of Medicare or tax fraud.

These federal white-collar cases are supported by the investigation of government agencies such as the IRS or the SEC. A DC attorney who is experienced at protecting defendants during federal investigations could help someone accused of a white-collar crime.

Federal Crimes that are White-Collar Offenses

Those who are indicted by a grand jury and prosecuted for white-collar offenses by the United States Attorneys’ Office have a high rate of conviction. Expert prosecution in these cases demands rigorous defense. Our experienced DC attorneys handle a full spectrum of white-collar criminal cases including:

    • Conspiración
    •  Fraud including insurance fraud, Medicaid fraud, wire fraud, mail fraud, bankruptcy fraud, securities fraud, mortgage fraud
    • Malversación
    • Lavado de dinero
    • Tax Fraud and Tax Evasion
    • Robo de identidad
    • Fraude de valores y uso de información privilegiada

Regardless of the circumstances of someone’s case, a skilled attorney can carefully evaluate their client’s case to build a defense that could minimize any negative consequences.

Penalties for White-Collar Crimes

There are various penalties that a person may face if they are charged with a white-collar crime. The exact punishments someone may suffer depend on the crime and how much money was involved in the illegal activity. For instance, bank fraud may result in a $1,000,000 fine and/or a prison sentence of up to 30 years. Criminal penalties typically involve a significant fine, time in incarceration, or both. It is important to note that individuals who have prior criminal offenses may face more significant punishment. In addition to these criminal penalties, an individual accused of this type of offense may face issues with finding a job or housing as well as a damaged reputation. Because the consequences of a white-collar crime can be so harsh, it is important for anyone facing these charges to contact a skilled DC attorney for help.

Contacting a DC White-Collar Attorney

Federal investigations of white-collar crimes are thorough—and often quietly—conducted. Many people being investigated for financial wrongdoing do not even suspect that they are the subjects of the investigation until they are arrested and charged with a federal crime. If you suspect you are being investigated, or if you have already been charged with a federal offense, contact a DC white-collar crime lawyer as soon as possible.

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Por:Jéssica C.

Título: Extremely professional and caring attorney

I would recommend David Benowitz to anyone looking for an extremely professional and caring attorney. He was always respectful and honest with his opinions about my husbands case. David was punctual and I always felt that he had our back during a very trying time. He’s a fantastic attorney. Also, all of his staff at the DC office were very efficient and polite.

Descripción del cliente:

I would recommend David Benowitz to anyone looking for an extremely professional and caring attorney. He was always respectful and honest with his opinions about my husbands case. David was punctual and I always felt that he had our back during a very trying time. He’s a fantastic attorney. Also, all of his staff at the DC office were very efficient and polite.

Rating: ★★★★★ 5 / 5 stars