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Drug Lawyer

While the United States as a whole is several decades removed from “Reefer Madness” and similarly outdated understandings of the chemical and social effects of controlled substances, drug-related offenses are still prosecuted harshly at both the federal and state levels. Making matters even more complicated is the fact that the specific drug laws applicable to U.S. citizens can change dramatically from state to state.

Understanding the nature and potential implications of your specific drug charges is far from simple to accomplish on your own, especially without guidance from a dedicated private defense attorney who will work to get you the best possible case resolution as opposed to just the quickest one. With a seasoned drug lawyer on your side, you will be able to more proactively enforce your rights, explore alternatives to traditional prosecution where available, and minimize the criminal sanctions you might face in the event of a conviction.

The Status of Marijuana Laws Nationwide

As of 2023, 23 U.S. states and the District of Columbia have completely legalized possession of marijuana products for recreational and medicinal use as well as the sale and distribution of such products by licensed dispensers. One of these states is Virginia where any adult over the age of 21 is legally allowed to possess under an ounce of cannabis. Conversely, three states— Kansas, South Carolina, and Idaho—have neither legalized nor decriminalized the possession or distribution of marijuana products for any purpose.

The remaining 27 states have a somewhat confusing variety of approaches to the matter, as a knowledgeable drug defense attorney could further explain. Some states like Ohio and Louisiana have legalized medicinal use and decriminalized the recreational use of marijuana without fully legalizing it, while others such as Pennsylvania and Florida have legalized medicinal use but still criminally prosecute possession for recreational use. Still other states—including Georgia, Texas, and Wisconsin—have specifically legalized the use of CDB oil for medicinal purposes but otherwise treat marijuana and derivative products as illegal.

Perhaps the most important thing to understand, though, is that marijuana is still considered an illegal controlled substance at the federal level, which means anyone who transports marijuana across state lines—even between two states that have both fully legalized the drug—may face criminal prosecution for violating federal law. Likewise, marijuana use and transport are prohibited on federally managed land as well as in places like airports.

Drug Possession Versus Drug Distribution and Manufacture

While there are some exceptions, most U.S. states take a more sympathetic approach to individuals accused of drug possession—especially those already dealing with serious drug dependency—compared to those accused of drug distribution or production. In many cases, it is possible with a qualified drug lawyer’s help to negotiate for alternatives to criminal prosecution for first-time drug possession offenders such as completion of a drug rehabilitation/treatment program.

Again, with relatively few exceptions, though, drug distribution—as well as possession of a large enough amount of a controlled substance for law enforcement authorities to assume “intent to distribute”—is generally treated as a felony offense punishable by years of prison time. In the same vein, manufacturing controlled substances can be harshly prosecuted, as can the sale and distribution of certain types of drug paraphernalia and component materials.

Seek Help From a Seasoned Drug Attorney Today

If there is one thing the information above should impress on you, it is that drug laws in the United States are exceptionally complicated in a way that makes fighting drug-related criminal charges extremely difficult. Even something as small as an infraction for possession of a decriminalized drug like marijuana can still have long-lasting implications, and more severe offenses can land you in prison for years and facing thousands of dollars in fines, not to mention possibly a permanent record as a convicted felon.

Put simply, this is not the kind of charge you want to fight alone, and fortunately, you do not have to. Call today to learn how a dedicated drug defense lawyer could assist you.

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