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DC Police First District

First District Station

101 M Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: (202) 698-0555

En metro

The First District station is within five minutes walking distance from the Waterfront Metro station (Green Line).

First District Substation

500 E Street SE
Washington, DC
Phone: (202) 698-0068
Fax: (202) 727-4028Via Metro

The First District Substation is within walking distance of Eastern Market Metro station (Orange and Blue Line).

Below is a map of the First District created by the Metropolitan Police Department and helpfully supplied on their website here.


At the heart of the city, the First District encompasses DC’s business and political center and contains some of the country’s most cherished institutions, such as the US Supreme Court, Capitol Hill, and the White House. The First District is divided operationally into east and west. The First District Station serves the western part of the district. Some of the city’s most interesting and diverse neighborhoods are found in the First District. This area includes the US Capitol; the White House; Federal Triangle; and the downtown business district, including the Convention Center and the Verizon Center. The majority of residents live in the southwest quadrant, near the waterfront, but the resident population is surging in several of downtown’s animated, diverse communities, such as Chinatown and Penn Quarter.

The First District Substation serves the eastern part of the district. This area includes the National Mall, the US Supreme Court, the Library of Congress, Union Station, Eastern Market, the Atlas District, the Washington Navy Yard, and the historic Capitol Hill neighborhood.

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DC Law Enforcement Information

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