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Abogado de asalto de Washington DC

Un asalto en DC se define como la amenaza o el uso de la fuerza sobre otra persona que hizo que esa persona tuviera una aprensión razonable de un contacto dañino u ofensivo inminente.

When facing an assault charge in DC, it may be in your best interests to retain a DC criminal attorney who can help you navigate through the complicated DC legal system. A skilled DC assault lawyer will be essential in giving you a detailed examination of DC assault laws.

Tipos de agresión

In DC, a person may be charged with simple assault (misdemeanor), assault with significant injury, or aggravated assault. Simple assault is when a person makes an attempt or effort, with the use of violence, to injure another person, and at the time of the attempt has the ability to injure the person. A simple assault charge also requires that the action is committed voluntarily and on purpose. A simple assault offense can also be charged under an “intent to frighten” theory.

Las condenas por agresión simple en DC se castigan con una multa de hasta $1,000, así como con un período de prisión que no exceda los 180 días. Es importante tener en cuenta que alguien puede ser acusado de agresión simple en DC por la mera amenaza de violencia con los medios aparentes para llevar a cabo la amenaza.

It is a common misconception in simple assault cases that an accuser has the ability to drop charges or not press charges. That is not true. Any criminal case, including a simple assault case, is filed and prosecuted by government attorneys.  In Washington, DC, all allegations of assault are prosecuted by the US Attorneys’ office. That means that an alleged victim does not have the ability to decline to press charges or drop charges. That is solely up to the US Attorneys’ office. The US Attorneys’ office will usually consider the feelings and the desires of the alleged victim when deciding how to proceed in the matter, but the US Attorneys’ office can prosecute cases without the consent or the input of the alleged victim. A lawyer skilled at handling assault cases could support you in court.

Lesiones Corporales Significativas

In DC, assault with significant bodily injury is when someone intended or knew that “significant bodily injury” would occur from their conduct. “Significant bodily injury” is defined as an injury that requires hospitalization or immediate medical attention. This offense carries a potential prison sentence of three years and/or a $12,500 fine.

¿Qué es asalto y agresión?

Una agresión se define como un contacto ofensivo real de una persona a otra persona. Un asalto, por otro lado, no requiere que una persona haya tenido contacto físico real con la otra persona, solo requiere que, como mínimo, haya una amenaza de fuerza contra otra persona que causó que esa persona tuviera un temor razonable de inminente. dañar.

Entonces, incluso si no hay contacto físico, una persona podría haber cometido un asalto, mientras que una agresión generalmente requiere que haya contacto físico real. Un abogado experto en DC podría ayudar a alguien a construir la defensa que mejor se adapte a su caso si ha sido acusado de agresión y agresión.

¿Qué es Asalto Agravado?

The charge of aggravated assault is deemed applicable in DC if the accused knowingly or purposely caused serious bodily injury to another person. “Serious bodily injury” is defined as an injury that creates a substantial risk of death, unconsciousness, extreme physical pain, or protracted and obvious disfigurement.

Any person convicted of an aggravated assault charge shall either be fined up to $25,000, imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both. Any person convicted of attempted aggravated assault in DC shall be fined not more than $12,500, be imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. This is why it is important to seek legal counsel when facing assault charges.

Beneficios de un abogado

Es importante que un acusado arrestado por un cargo de asalto simple no intente contactar o negociar con una supuesta víctima porque eso puede resultar en acusaciones de obstrucción de la justicia, que son cargos penales mucho más graves que el asalto simple. Una persona debe obtener de inmediato la asistencia de un abogado defensor penal para discutir el caso con el fiscal para minimizar las consecuencias y potencialmente intentar que los cargos sean desestimados o reducidos.

When a person is facing a felony assault charge, the prosecutors will aggressively move forward on these cases and a person could be facing years of prison time if convicted. So, having a local assault attorney defending a person in those cases has clear benefits. Even in a simple assault case, a defendant should not approach with the assumption that it will be dismissed or that it could be resolved easily, because that might not always be the case. A person can still face up to 180 days in jail for a simple assault case.

Contactar con un abogado

If you find yourself accused of assault charges in DC—whether simple assault, assault with significant injury, or aggravated assault—it is often best to begin developing a defense using the assistance of an experienced DC lawyer. They have the know-how to defend clients facing all different types of assault charges.

If convicted of assault in DC, you face not only fines, jail, and probation, but you will also be faced with a criminal record. If you have been accused of assault, you need the help of a skilled DC assault lawyer to defend against your criminal charge. Reach out today to learn more.

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Por:Un cliente de asalto

Título: David es un excelente abogado

David es un excelente abogado. Me acusaron falsamente de un cargo de asalto en DC. Este fue mi primer encuentro con un cargo criminal y Dave respondió a fondo todas mis preguntas. Dave redactó un plan de pago que se ajustaba a mis necesidades financieras. ¡Después de un juicio difícil, Dave consiguió que me absolvieran de todos los cargos!

Descripción del cliente:

David es un excelente abogado. Me acusaron falsamente de un cargo de asalto en DC. Este fue mi primer encuentro con un cargo criminal y Dave respondió a fondo todas mis preguntas. Dave redactó un plan de pago que se ajustaba a mis necesidades financieras. ¡Después de un juicio difícil, Dave consiguió que me absolvieran de todos los cargos!

Rating: ★★★★★ 5 / 5 stars