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Abogado de fraude de Maryland

Fraud could occur in a huge variety of ways. To combat this, the law in Maryland is incredibly vague about what does and what does not constitute fraud. While the breadth of the statutes are made to ensure that law enforcement can pursue novel ways of misrepresentation and deceit, it also means that innocent people who have done nothing wrong can get caught up in serious criminal charges and face steep penalties if they get convicted.

Showing your innocence could take the skills and knowledge of a Maryland fraud lawyer. Consult a well-practiced criminal attorney to begin your defense against these charges.

Penalties in Maryland Depend on Value of the Property Taken

Since there are so many ways that someone could violate state laws against fraud, there are also a huge number of different sanctions that a defendant could face in their case. It should be noted that the penalties of a conviction for a charge of fraud almost always depend on the value of the property that was allegedly taken.

In many cases, where the value of the property was high, the charges can be felonies. These come with thousands of dollars in fines, as well as more than a year in jail time. Seeking legal help from a fraud attorney in Maryland in these circumstances is absolutely essential to preserve a defendant’s future. Individuals are recommended to contact a tenacious attorney immediately and refrain from speaking with authorities before they speak with their lawyer.

Common Kinds of Fraud Offenses

At its core, fraud is an intentional misrepresentation of facts, in order to obtain someone else’s property. This may be done in a huge variety of ways and in a lot of different circumstances. Some of the most common include:

  • Healthcare: Doctors and other healthcare professionals may misrepresent the nature and extent of the services they provide to patients to receive more money from insurance companies
  • Identity: Signing documents in someone else’s name or acquiring someone else’s personal information to gain access to their property could run afoul of Maryland’s laws
  • Business: People running a business in partnership with one another might commit fraud if they funnel money from the business into their own accounts
  • Mortgage: Bankers, brokers, or even homeowners and potential homeowners could misrepresent facts and figures to obtain a mortgage
  • Bank: Similar to mortgage fraud but more general in nature, bank fraud might occur when anyone who is applying for a loan intentionally misstates or misrepresents important information to get a loan
  • Insurance: Misstating what happened in a car crash or any other form of accident, or exaggerating the damage sustained in the incident in order to recover more money in an insurance claim might amount to fraud

The list goes on and continues to grow as newer ways to defraud people are created. The proliferation of fraudulent tactics makes police and law enforcement skeptical of even innocent transactions, and eager to file charges before it is clear what happened. Proving that there was no crime could take the assistance of a skilled Maryland attorney.

How a Maryland Fraud Attorney Could Help

If you have been accused of any type of fraudulent actions, seeking the help of a Maryland fraud lawyer might be the most important decision you make. With the help of an attorney whose professional insight could quickly determine the best line of defense to take, you may be able to invoke your rights and fight against the prosecutor’s claim that you broke the law.

Reach out to a well-versed Maryland attorney today. Call or contact a lawyer online.

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Abogado de fraude de Maryland
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