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Ammunition for Guns in DC

Gun offenses in Washington are extremely serious. Someone facing misdemeanor gun charges such as possession of an unregistered gun or unlawful possession of ammunition are exposed to possible jail time and lifetime convictions on their record. That could have an effect on the person’s ability to obtain certain kinds of jobs, security clearances, and professional licensing. It is a black mark on a person’s life.

A person in that situation should not think that the case will disappear and the prosecutors will not pursue those charges. Local prosecutors vigorously prosecute even law-abiding people who brought legal guns into the District where they are not registered and licensed. Someone facing any kind of gun charge should have the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer who understands DC laws and the way they are prosecuted by the authorities in the District. A knowledgeable gun attorney could answer any questions individuals may have about laws regarding ammunition for guns in DC.

How Firearm Laws Apply to the Possession of Ammunition

In Washington, DC, it is unlawful to carry unregistered ammunition. When a person has a firearm registered in DC, they are only permitted to be in possession of ammunition for guns in DC that correspond to the firearm that they own. When someone does not have a valid registration for their firearm, any unregistered ammunition they are in possession of is considered illegal.

However, if the firearm someone possesses is registered in Washington, DC, that person is permitted to have ammunition for that firearm. They can only have bullets that correspond to that specific firearm. As an example, a person cannot have bullets that correspond to an AIR-15 when the only firearm they have registered in Washington, DC is a shotgun.

Are Legally-Certified Holders of Firearms Allowed to Possess Ammunition?

A person who is a legally-registered firearm owner must still comply with DC rules on the kind of ammunition for guns, they can possess. An individual is only able to be in possession of ammunition that corresponds to the firearm they have registered. That does not mean they can carry that ammunition outside of their home or place of business unless they have a license to do so. If they have a registration to keep their firearm in their home or place of business, their bullets must also be kept in their home or place of business.

Value of a DC Ammunition Attorney

The more serious gun offenses in Washington, DC along with possible repercussions also carry the possibility of years of prison time. Even someone with no criminal history who is otherwise law-abiding with the proper licensing or registration for possession of firearms in another state can find themselves on the wrong side of the law without even realizing it by driving into the District with their firearm.

People charged with more serious offenses such as possession of a firearm with a prior felony conviction must be aware of the mandatory penalties they face for possession of unregistered ammunition for guns in DC. They need to have the assistance of someone who can aggressively work on their behalf to explore defenses; identify possible constitutional violations, and seek to maximize the chances of a successful challenge while minimizing the possibility of the person facing the more severe penalties under DC law.

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