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DC Federal Sex Crimes Penalties

The expression sex crime is not a legal term. Sex crimes may describe a variety of charges that could be lodged in federal court. Typically they involve non-consensual sexual acts, sometimes committed against minors, and sometimes involving force. Due to the seriousness of sex offenses, DC federal sex crimes penalties can be quite severe. Sex crimes are a felony in DC. If you face a sex offense in DC, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced sex crimes attorney.

Common Sex Crimes

Common felony sex crimes under federal law are receipt of child pornography, online enticement, or traveling for the purpose of engaging in sex with a minor. It is almost unheard of that a person is charged with a non-felony or misdemeanor sex crime in federal court.

What are the Differences Between Sex Crime Penalties and Those for Other Offenses?

One of the major aspects of facing sex crimes that is different from other types of offenses is the prospect of being on a sex offender registry potentially for life. This is a huge issue for people charged with sex crimes. There are also mandatory minimum terms of imprisonment for online enticement charges and for receipt of child pornography. The severity of DC federal sex crimes penalties, and the far-reaching consequences the penalties can have, are what separate sex crimes from other federal offenses.

Why are Sex Offenses so Serious?

Sex crimes are serious because of the potential mandatory minimum sentences and the stigma that comes with the charges. A person may be forced to undergo a regimen of sex offender treatments if they are convicted of that type of crime. Also, there is extremely restrictive monitoring of someone following a term of imprisonment in addition to being on the sex offender registry.

Different Penalties for Sex Crime Convictions

The mandatory minimum sentences are five years for each item received under the child pornography statute; not merely possessed under the receipt statute or the 10-year mandatory for child enticement. The United States sentencing guidelines are used to determine sentences in every crime including federal sex crimes.

Different enhancements under the guidelines relate to the number of images discovered. There are also enhancements potentially for sadomasochistic images. There is also a cross-reference when there is an undercover sting with a real or a fictitious child described who is under the age of 12 that results in drastically enhanced DC federal sex crimes penalties, even when there is no real child. It is critical that a person understands all the nuances they are dealing with when facing these types of offenses.

Role of an Attorney in a Sex Crimes Case

The role of an attorney is to help the defendant as much as possible to lessen their exposure to culpability regardless of the stage of the investigation. For example, search warrants in these cases are often executed and a person may not be arrested for months. The person can use that time to be evaluated by a doctor or take a polygraph exam to keep out of jail if they are arrested. Their defense lawyer could use that type of information in negotiations to try to get the case dismissed.

A person should expect an attorney they hire to handle a sex crime case to know the law and understand the technology being used. The lawyer should also know the appropriate strategy of the jurisdiction where the charge is brought and should recognize what specifically needs to be done in that jurisdiction to maximize the defendant’s chance of success.

Value of a DC Sex Crimes Attorney

It is crucial to work with an attorney when facing sex crimes charges. No one can survive an investigation of this charge or any criminal charges without an attorney. A sex crimes defense lawyer has the experience to deal with these types of charges. The charges and the investigations are technology specific. A specific strategy is needed to minimize or eliminate culpability in sex crime cases. An experienced, criminal defense lawyer can help to develop that strategy. Work with a seasoned sex crimes lawyer that could attempt to mitigate the DC federal sex crimes penalties you may face.

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Abogado federal de delitos sexuales en DC

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