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Student DUIs in DC

A DUI conviction can have serious negative consequences depending on the facts of the case and the particular school where the student is enrolled.

For example, in DC, Catholic University is very strict regarding student conduct both on and off campus. All universities are strongly interested in any charges or convictions its students may face. Depending on the specific facts of the case, Universities will take a look at a student’s criminal conduct and may impose a suspension or something even worse.

How a University will Learn About DUIs

How a university learns about a DUI will depend specifically on the facts of the case. The university will easily find out if the DUI happens near campus and involves one of the campus police officers or other students.

A University will not necessarily find out about the DUI if it occurred completely outside of school, did not make the newspaper, and did not have any witnesses or other participants who were tied to the school. In these situations, the school may not find out about it. However, a student should be aware that every school has its own security and law enforcement, and these officers are charged with monitoring the behavior of the students which is how the school may find out.

University Hearing Process

If a university wants to take some form of remedial action against the student based on them having a criminal case there will probably be a hearing. The university will notify the student and there will be some form of hearing process. A hearing will allow a school to take negative action against a student.

Students Facing DUI Charges

There are many things that a DC DUI attorney will need to know when a student is facing DUI charges. Most lawyers will ask if it was the first time the person was arrested for their driving record, for their academic record, and whether the person has any behavioral issues or problems at school. It is also important to know whether the person had any alcohol/drug education or treatment in the past.

A lawyer will also need to know whether the DUI occurred on university property, whether it involved university police officers, and whether it involved other students or university property. This information is essential for an attorney to understand the potential ramifications. In addition, a lawyer will need to know the specifics of what happened. This will include whether the person was driving and where the person was coming from and going.

In addition, if the individual was under the age of 21, the lawyer will need to know if the person provided any chemical evidence meaning a breath, blood or urine sample. All of the facts associated with the case will allow a defense lawyer to determine what the case will look like and the potential ramifications that are inside and outside of the criminal case.

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Abogado de DUI para menores de edad en DC

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