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Estuches para armas DC

Gun charges are treated extremely seriously in Washington, DC because the presence of a firearm in any given situation increases the likelihood that violence will occur. It may be a domestic violence situation, a robbery, or a violent confrontation between two people where homicide is committed with a firearm. Prosecutors in DC work immensely to convict defendants in DC gun cases. If you are facing gun charges, you should reach out to an experienced gun lawyer today.

Common Firearm Offenses in Washington DC

Some of the common charges involving firearms in DC are:

Local Laws Regarding Concealed Carry

The law regarding concealed carry permits and the ability to obtain a concealed carry permit recently changed. In the past, to obtain a concealed carry permit in the District of Columbia, one had to show good cause as to why they needed to conceal carry a firearm. That portion of the application process was eliminated. Currently, a resident in the District of Columbia or anyone applying for a concealed carry permit in Washington, DC does not need to show good cause. They need to fulfill the other requirements. Call a lawyer for more information about local laws and how they impact DC gun cases.

DC Firearm Penalties

The maximum penalty under the law for which an individual could be imprisoned for carrying a pistol without a license is up to five years in prison. Voluntary sentencing guidelines govern how judges should sentence someone. When someone is convicted for the first time for carrying a pistol without a license, the sentences for first-time offenders on that charge are usually much lower.

The maximum penalty for possession of an unregistered firearm and unlawful possession of ammunition, which are both misdemeanor charges, is up to one year in prison. Those are not governed by the sentencing guidelines. Typically, if a defendant is a first-time offender, they will face a less harsh offense.

Unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon carries a mandatory minimum one-year sentence, and people frequently get more than that because they have a prior felony conviction. Judges treat a subsequent offense seriously. There is also a felony charge of possession of an extended magazine, which is anything more than ten rounds. This offense is a felony and is governed by the sentencing guidelines.

Long-Term Repercussions of a Gun Conviction

Anyone who is convicted of a firearm offense must register as a gun offender for two years beyond the completion of their sentence of incarceration if they receive one. They must keep their name and current address registered with the Metropolitan Police Department.

If an individual is convicted of a felony gun offense, that carries huge collateral consequences. Depending on the state they are from, they could potentially lose the right to vote. Also, the indiviudal may have trouble obtaining a job.

If you are facing a firearm offense, you should obtain a seasoned attorney right away. A dedicated attorney who is knowledgeable about DC gun cases could advocate for you.

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