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Ignition Interlock Devices in Maryland DUI Cases

Ignition interlock devices (IIDs) are not something any driver looks forward to using. However, agreeing to use an IID may allow a driver to retain driving privileges after a DUI conviction.

Accordingly, it is important to understand the role of ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUI cases. Participation in the District’s IID program is one part of a strategy to reduce the negative consequences of a DUI charge. A seasoned DUI lawyer could explain how an IID could impact a particular driver’s situation.

Understanding the Ignition Interlock Device

An IID is a device that is connected to the ignition system of a car or other motor vehicle. The device measures breath alcohol content.

In most cases, the IID is set to measure a level considered acceptable. If the driver blows into the device and it registers a level in excess of the allowable amount, the vehicle will not start.

Ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUI cases affect the operation of vehicles as well as the starting of vehicles. While driving, the driver will be prompted to blow into the device on occasion to ensure that the driver’s blood alcohol concentration continues to stay below the limit.

The Benefits of the Ignition Interlock Device Program

Drivers who participate in the program using ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUI cases may be able to obtain a restricted driver’s license and legally operate designated vehicles that have IIDs installed even if their licenses have been revoked.

Depending on circumstances, drivers may be eligible for a restricted license. However, drivers with commercial (CDL) licenses are not permitted to participate in the program.

The length of time a driver will remain under restriction will vary depending on the situation that caused the license to be revoked. If a program participant violates the rules of the IID program or commits another driving offense, the restriction period may be extended.

Eligibility for the Ignition Interlock Device Program

Drivers must meet certain qualifications to be eligible for ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUI cases. In order to qualify to obtain a restricted license under the IID program, drivers who have been convicted of or had their licenses administratively revoked due to alcohol offenses must:

  • Enroll in or have completed an approved substance abuse treatment program
  • Have held a license from the DMV just prior to revocation
  • Have not been convicted of causing an injury while operating a motor vehicle
  • Have not failed to successfully participate in this or a similar program in the past five years
  • Maintain High-Risk SR22 insurance
  • Not have any pending license suspensions or revocations

Applicants must complete an application form and pay an enrollment fee. Also, those in the program are required to pay the costs involved in installing the IID and pay a monthly maintenance fee, unless the driver qualifies as indigent.

Get More Information About Ignition Interlock Devices in Maryland DUI Cases

Participation in the IID program can be tremendously helpful to those who rely on driving to meet their basic transportation needs. However, not every driver will qualify.

To learn if you may be eligible or to assist in demonstrating your eligibility for the program, it may be helpful to consult a dedicated lawyer. More information about ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUI cases may be obtained through the DMV or a knowledgeable legal adviser.

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