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Building a Maryland Stalking Defense

When someone faces a stalking charge, they may have to deal with severe consequences. Therefore, it can be extremely important to consult with a lawyer when building a Maryland stalking defense. A dedicated stalking attorney could compile crucial evidence, provide valuable advice throughout the legal process, and work to get you a fair outcome. Call today to begin working on your case.

Steps to Take in Preparing a Stalking Defense

When preparing a defense for a stalking charge in Maryland, an attorney may review and analyze the charging document provided by the government. This document lays out the allegations against the defendant and what the prosecutor may try to prove. A lawyer also may review any other paperwork that is provided by the prosecution and talk with the defendant to understand their side of the story.

These steps can clarify any questions an attorney may have regarding the incident and give them the opportunity to better understand the issues in the case, the strengths and weaknesses of the government’s case, and look into other issues that may arise. If there is a settlement offer available from the government, an attorney may want to negotiate with the prosecutor based on the information they have at the time.

A lawyer will want all the information related to the charge and alleged incident when building a stalking defense in Maryland. They could find more information by obtaining copies of all emails, text messages, and communication that the alleged stalker had with the alleged victim. If some conduct allegedly occurred in public, the attorney may send an investigator as part of the case to find a surveillance video or other video that may be available.

Recopilación de pruebas

For a stalking case, there can be all different types of evidence. Commonly, most of the evidence can be related to communication between the two parties, including any documented communication such as text messages, emails, or posts on social media. The most valuable evidence may show the date and time of attempted communications.

If the alleged victim was reaching out and proactively contacting the defendant, this could be proof that undermines their allegations that contact by the defendant was unwanted. Overall, preparing a strong stalking defense in Maryland relies on conversations with the defendant and trying to figure out what kind of documentary evidence there is that may provide a different context to the alleged criminal behavior.

Taking a Plea Deal

There are situations in which a lawyer may recommend that a defendant should take a plea deal vary. The idea of a plea is that it should be in the defendant’s best interests and that there should be some benefit in taking the plea versus going to trial. If going to trial would likely result in a conviction or there is a strong chance of conviction, then an attorney may recommend that the defendant take a plea deal if it is available.

Additionally, if an alleged stalker is facing several charges, their lawyer may suggest pleading guilty in return for less severe penalties. It is important to note that although a lawyer can advise the defendant on what to do, the final decision must be made by the accused.

No one can completely predict what will happen at trial, but an experienced attorney thoroughly examines any issues with the case and explains to the defendant the possible outcomes, the likelihood of each outcome, and makes a recommendation based on all of this information.

Contact an Attorney to Learn More About Building a Stalking Defense in Maryland

Building a Maryland stalking defense can be difficult to do without help from a legal professional. As a result, if you have been charged with stalking, you should consult with a skilled attorney. They can help you collect evidence, work through the legal system, and understand your options. To get started on your case, call today.

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Maryland Stalking Lawyer

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